E-MU Command Station Wu-Tang Remix Live Jam
Live jam remix on the EMU MP7
All content focusing mainly on the Roland SP404 MKii sampler.
Starting out a beat using the E-MU MP7 Command Station with Mo Phatt/Pure Phatt roms into the SP404 Looper, no talking, no ads. Drum sounds are also from the Mo Phatt ro,. Session 4. E-MU MP7 Command Station & SP404 MKii Recorded in Reaper
This is a guide on how to get the SP404 Mkii playing nicely with your DAW and older MIDI devices with DIN type plugs. I don’t post much content here but if I have a problem that requires a lot of searching and trial and error to get working I like to share the info …
The SP404 MKii is a creative beast, it’s quick and easy to get ideas down and it goes without saying the FX are top notch. As a brand new user of the MKii a couple years back, having never owned a 404 previously, I went through a few different ways of trying to use it …
Integrating the SP404 MKii into your DAW workflow Read More »