Live Beatmaking E-MU Command Station & SP404 MKii: Session 1

This is just me making beats live, no talking, no ads.

I thought of making these vids because:

  • Some people (myself included) enjoy watching other producers make beats as they get ideas for their process, how others use certain equipment etc. 
  • There’s plenty enough ‘how to make beats like XXX’. ‘exploring the sounds on blah blah blah’ and ‘making an XXX type beat tutorial’ content on youtube but not many of these types of longer sessions with an actual intent to produce something as you would in real life.
  • I record the whole session (obviously) and I’ll have stuff to go back to if i hit on anything good.
  • I already bought a sub to Screenpal for something unrelated so I may as well use up their bandwidth.

That’s it, nothing special, just a dude messing around with beats, not sure how the first one will turn out but whatever.

Not that it matters but nothing is pre prepared, I’m just gonna start jamming and see where things go.

Session 1.

E-MU MP7 Command Station & SP404 MKii

Recorded in Reaper

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